Sunday, September 5, 2010

Sunday Morning Good Or Bad?

I woke up at 5.00am this morning as I couldn't sleep. I always get a bit frustrated when this happens on my one day that I can afford to sleep in.

Yesterday last thing, I received an email that made me so sad. I hate it when someone writes to me who is clearly in distress. I want to help immediately but contary to all the ads on the internet there is no such thing as an immediate spell. Yes there are fast acting spells but they do take a week at least to manifest before churning out the magical power required in order to achieve ones goal. Anyway this lady has been on my mind and probably was also in my sleep. I saw a remedy in my head but just couldn't work out how to put it in action. I started working on her situation at 5.45am and have just finished now and it's 10.15am. I always have 100% faith in my spells but I need this one to work quickly. I guess we will have to wait and see...

Now it's time to answer countless emails, I think around 36. Hopefully I will be finished around 2.00pm to be able to go to the park with my family. My youngest boy has just learnt to ride a bike and wants to go out all the time. It's such a joy to see them grow up and slowly start their path to independence.

Back to work:)

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