Monday, September 6, 2010

My Cooking Stinks...

I cast spells everyday with different ingredients. I experiement all the time and get wonderful results. Yesterday I did three spells and I've already had marvellous feedback that my clients are already feeling some sort of change.
Today I went to the supermarket, I bought some lovely cooking steak so that I could make a good stew for lunch. I braised the meat, fried the onions and garlic and added the vegetables. I put the food in the slow cooker and left it there for a couple of hours. The smell was absolutely gorgeous and everyone was getting hungry. I made some rice and served out the stew. This was going to be my masterpiece today. As soon as my youngest put the food in his mouth he spat it out. This isn't really unusual as he doesn't seem to like anything. Then my husband said,
"What did you put in this?" in the nicest way but I could hear from the tone of his voice that something was wrong. I then had a fork and I could have spat it out there and then. It tasted of practically nothing except  a burnt flavour which I don't understand as there were no signs of burning when I cooked it. The meat was so tough it was impossible to chew. My older soon was being polite and was chewing so much it looked as if he was going to break his jaw! A few more minutes of saying nothing and trying to eat it I gave up. No one wanted to say anything else not to upset me so I quietly got up. I put four packets of two minute noodles in a pan. As soon as they were ready I quickly served them and handed them out to my distressed hungry family. A massive look of relief was had by all!! I know my husband had whispered to them something on the lines of
"don't worry, mum's fixing it".
I waited till everyone has dispersed and promptly threw the stew in the bin. I'm not cooking tonight, my husband wants to give me a rest...

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