Tuesday, October 12, 2010

I Don't Have An Excuse Big Enough To Be Excused...

Busy, tired and just enjoying myself. I have to admit I haven't been my usual self within the last week. I needed a break so apart from spell casting and answering countless emails I stayed away from the computer. At least to rest my eyes. I am wondering if age related health issues are starting to crop up? I find myself holding a book further and further away from my eyes. Isn't being long sighted the biggest hint that one is getting older! Oh well that's life and there are too many good things to let just a pair of glasses get in the way. Or I could have a ball when I go glasses shopping choosing a wicked pair of designer frames:))))

It's been a funny week regarding work. My work seems to be seasonal. At this time it's normally focusing on work related issues rather than love or health. Probably it's due to the run up to Christmas where people want to have that little bit of extra cash to tie them over and also purchase some extra presents. The sad issues start cropping up by mid Novemember where a lot of people feel alone and the lead up to Christmas opens a lot of wounds which never go away. I will get to that chapter when the time comes.

For now whoever is reading this blog, focus on the good things you have and put them at the forefront of your minds. You will be amazed at how good you feel in a couple of days and the negative things will become distant as you feel lighter.

I hope I am excused for my little break in writing my diary...

Friday, October 1, 2010

One Mistake Can Change Your Whole Life Path

The work that I do is basically getting people back on the right path. Most want to re-kindle love, save a marriage, find a lost love, have more money, stop a job loss, better health and much more, the list is endless.
More than 50% of the people I help are victims of their own mistakes that have life changing consequences.
I have two sad stories today and with the permission of my clients I have been given the go ahead to write about their situations.
One girl was under tremendous stress. She is a university student and is currently studying for a BA. She is Indian and the only girl which means she has to take care of her parents. Parent actually as it's only her mother that is still alive. The other siblings, boys, have all flown the nest and are not taking much interest. The girl's mother starting having heart problems as well as having elderly dementia. As my client was in and out of hospital her work was piling up. She had to give in an assessment and she wasn't going to make it. She seeked the help of a friend who gave her her essay. The MISTAKE happened when my client almost copied her friends assessment instead of re-wording and using her own initiative to change it. Yes we all know that she shouldn't have done it but being under so much stress and wanting to make the grade to carry on her studies she didn't think clearly enough. She also comes from a background that is quite ignorant of pursuing higher education and they are still of the generation where girls should get married and have babies.
My client was caught and severely punished. She has been up against the board who want every proof of her situation and they are leaving her hanging on. Her course had re-started and she is unable to return to university until this has been sorted out. She is miserable and beside herself with worry...

My next client, met a man who worshiped her. She left her country and moved in with him. The year after she got pregnant. During this time things were pretty good but once she got pregnant he became controlling. He tried to alienate her from friends that she worked with. She found herself no longer being able to socialise. She managed to convince her partner to go back to her country to have the baby and he said he wanted to get work. Apparently this was all a lie as he had his job held for him and after the baby was three months old they went back to his country. She did manange to go back to her job which in hindsight was a life saver. A year passed and they decided to get married. Things between them were not good at all but she thought the marriage would help things along and make them more of a united family. This was her big MISTAKE. The day after they were married he changed. It was if someone had switch on a light and bingo she was married to someone she didn't know at all. He worked from early morning to late evening. He was never there to see his son and he was never contactable at work. She made a decision to leave and three months after the marriage she did just that.
Before she knew it he had put a restraining order on her son so that she couldn't leave the country. She underwent every attack from him under the son. Accusations of abuse were coming from everywhere and as she was not in her own country and had no family she felt totally alone and frightened. Her case took years and years but during this time she met someone else, managed to get a divorce, married again and had another girl.
She is still hounded by her ex-husband to this day and he does his best to try to turn her son against her, luckily it is not working.
There was a silver lining in her cloud though as she managed to get permission to leave the country and she went back to her home where they are all happy, have good jobs and are surrounded by good friends and people who love them...
The moral of these two stories is to think before you act. Don't lose yourself in the moment and always weigh up consequences that could happen, good and bad.

Blessings to you all,

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Hangover or Hungover?

My excuse for not updating my diary is totally self inflicted. Me and my husband love to party and often we invent parties with themes. Friday was a theme for Wii and Snooker. Our problem is that with our games room there is obviously a bar. Snooker was the start of the evening and lengthy times proping up the bar. Without realising alcohol becomes like juice.
The evening got quite lively and needless to say large quantities of alcohol were consumed. I can't quite remember eveyone leaving but I can remember the bedroom spinning as I tried to sleep.
We all woke up incredibly late with the sound of the basement alarm being turned off by Kwamena. I jumped out of bed stood up and felt a heavy pulsating pain in my head. Then I became slowly conscious of why I am feeling so bad. I took a look at my husband we exchanged looks and understood that we really didn't have to talk to eachother until we felt well enough.
I walked into the kitchen and viewed the amount of glasses and plates that were cluttering up all work surface areas and tried free the kettle from behind all the mess. I sat down, contemplated the day and immediately wrote it off. I can't work in this state and I will be no good to anyone.
There was a knock at the door and in walked Kwamena.
"Ahh, Melindaaaaaa, I think you enjoyed yourself last night didn't you?"
I gave him a sign from my hand as he was making fun of me.
Thank god for Kwamy, he's so loyal and so good at what he does. In around two hours he will come back upstairs and will let me know that he has answered all my emails, processed all the payments and written me a schedule of what to do today in order not to waste any more time. Look it worked. I have time to write in my diary!!
We all went out for lunch and then on to the park with the hope that fresh air will get us back to the land of the living. It didn't quite work but certainly better than in the morning. After arriving home we slumped in front of the tv for the rest of the day.
I woke up full of beans this morning and got through mountains of work so maybe sometimes it's good to be wild as play is just as important as work:)

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

I can create spells but I can't create immediate miracles!

One of those days today. Why does everyone think that as soon as they order a spell it will work immediately and in a few hours of ordering they expect their lives to be perfect. Why does no one read the information on website!!

I always stress to my clients that spells take time to manifest before they even begin to work. The client has also got to do their part. For some reason this doesn't work. I have no idea why but it's so frustrating. Imagine your email inbox saturated with 20 emails from the same person asking question after question and the spell has only been cast two hours earlier. I totally understand that those who have asked for my service are in need but one has to practice some patience. 'Rome wasn't built in one day'!!

For all those that want to use the services of spell casters of whatever magic please note that spells do not work in a few hours. Embrace what the caster has told you and let us do our jobs!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Shoe Therapy

It's already Tuesday and I know, I didn't make it to my blog yesterday but I had something much better to do. I spent 3 hours shopping for shoes only. This is my passion and fixation. Shoes are an integral part of life and also goes with good and bad hair days. I feel that the top and bottom of my appearence is the most important part of me. Put it this way, when a guy looks at you he goes from top to bottom in a split second. If you are lucky he may take a second glance? Ugly shoes and ugly hair is just not on!
My passion yesterday was seeing the gorgeous Brogues and Boots that are this years new winter style. Big decision to be made. Do I buy a low flat pair of Brogues or do I buy the ones with a heal? They both look good in jeans and the heeled pair could look good a dress shoes as well! I left the shop and carried on looking while I tried to make my decision.

Next shop was Debenhams and of course I made a beeline to the shop department. I was in awe of the wonderful boots that there were. One pair took my eye and I looked at the bottom to see the price. £199.00!! But, it was made of soft leather with a low heal and the smell of real leather consumed me. How could anyone refuse such an item? The boot stayed in my hand for ages and then I finally gave in a tried it on. Imediately an assistant was in front of me asking if I would like to try the other one on. Sheepishly I tried on the other one and headed straight to the mirror. Oh my, they looked absolutely gorgeous. Of course the assistant was complimenting on how good they looked and how good they looked on me. I resigned myself to the fact that I was heading to the till and digging in my bad for my purse. I made way to the exit with my huge bag containing these wonderful boots and was now going mentally through my wardrobe as to what outfits I had that would compliment them.

As I stood on the high street I thought of the Brogues. Well I just spent almost £200.00 so what the heck another £80.00 is nothing. Black was the colour I decided on. By now time was ticking and so I tried one on. Done, I asked for the other one and didn't bother trying it on as my left foot is smaller than the right so I knew it would fit. What I can't believe is what I did next. I asked the assistant for the other heeled pair in Brown and off she went and came back with the box. Again I tried on the right foot. It looked nice especially with the skinny jeans I had on. I put the shoe back in the box and walked to the till with both boxes. While in the queue I pondered on my guilt at being so extravagant but the guilt wasn't enough to stop me.

On the tube with three enormous bags of footwear I was thinking of a cunning plan to bypass my family once at home, run upstairs and put the shoes in the wardrobe. I could hear my husband saying, 'three hundred and fifty nine pairs now?' Actually it will be three hundred and seventy one but he doesn't have to know the exact details!

In the kitchen I felt snuggly happy and re-charged ready to go downstairs and do some work. What an exhilarating day it was!

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Sunday, September 19, 2010

Sunday Morning With A Good Vibe

There is a feeling of calm today. Everyone is in a good mood and are all entertaining themselves nicely. This means of course I am having a wonderful break to do all my chores in peace and quiet. No pub lunch today though as I want to start next weeks appointments for spell casting early. When Sundays are like this the week ahead is always a good one:)

Have a break, have a manatee

Saturday, September 18, 2010


I have had a lot of questions regarding dreams and their meanings. When we dream is it really our subconscious working overtime and trying to sort out events in an upside down way or is there some truth in our dreams and we could be seeing a glimpse of the future or a helping hand? Or, do we just dream and not even know about it?

There are so many theories about dreams that we could go on for years and years. When we do mind meditation just before we sleep we visualise something that we want to happen or achieve. As we lose consciousness our mind is still working on our thoughts. One theory is that we can actually obtain what we have been meditating about through our dreams as the mind is the most powerful tool in the universe. The other theory is that dreams are a mash of events, worries and emotions that we are trying to thrash out. We can dream vividly about situations which can leave us the next day thinking constantly about whether the dream was a sign of things to happen or just leave us feeling weird.

As someone who works within the spiritual world on a daily basis I like to assume that dreams can be a second sight, a theraputic influence and visions that we should cherish. We have seen people move physical items with their minds, we know that the mind is unbeliveably powerful even through horrendous tactics of the likes of Hitler and others. So if we prepare our minds before we sleep we could somehow get answers to our situations. This is where I think dreams are useful. As for whether there is scientific proof we are yet to see the evidence.

One word of truth, if we don't dream we don't thrash out life's ups and downs but even if you don't think you dream you surely do...